Nov 30, 2015
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MATTAMY HOMES COMPLETES NET ZERO ENERGY HOME IN CALGARY Home will be first in Calgary to receive government recognition of Net Zero Energy performance CALGARY – Nov. 25, 2015 – Mattamy Homes, North America&rsq ...
Nov 27, 2015
SARAH OFFIN AND TONY TIGHE, GLOBAL NEWS. CALGARY – Alberta homeowners may face up to $500 more on their utility bills when the new carbon tax takes effect, leaving many searching for ways to save on electricity and gas. That also has home ...
Nov 26, 2015
JOSH SKAPIN, CALGARY HERALD The first of Mattamy’s net-zero homes was unveiled last week as a show home, and four spec homes with the same energy-saving standards are expected to be ready in spring 2016.Cityscape is Mattamy’s first Cal ...
Nov 25, 2015
SAIT STORIES. Given the opportunity, most homeowners would gladly ditch their electricity bills by living in a net-zero abode - a home that produces as much or more energy than it consumes annually. Unfortunately, the high cost of custom buildi ...
OR-POLITICS.COM CALGARY – Alberta homeowners may face up to $500 more on their utility bills when the new carbon tax takes effect, leaving many searching for ways to save on electricity and gas. That also has homebuilders searching for ways ... 北美最大私人住宅建筑商Mattamy Homes 11月25日在卡尔加里正式庆祝能源自给住房(Net Zero Energy)完工。这是全国项目的一部分,让加拿大能源自给住房的数量翻番。这是Mattamy Homes所计 ...
COLLEEN SCHMIDT, CTV NEWS CALGARY. Homebuilders who are taking part in a national project to construct houses that produce as much power as they use are celebrating the completion of their first home in the northeast community of Cityscape. Mat ...
CBC CALGARY. Calgary has its newest net-zero home — one that's built to produce as much energy as it uses annually. "On a net basis we're not taking energy from the system," said Don Barrineau, the Calgary division president of ...
Nov 23, 2015
PERRY HOFFMAN, CANADIAN GREEN TECH. Contrary to popular belief, net zero energy (NZE) ready homes don’t require fancy new technology and solutions. In fact, a Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) project being led by Owens Corning Canada is show ...